

Our team is powered by a versatile squadron, complete with alumni from top maritime institutions and experienced captains. Together, we work passionately to ensure seamless, efficient, and environmentally responsible shipping operations.


Training and Development

At Augustus Maritime, we believe in continuous growth and development. Our tailored training programs provide our employees with the essential skills, knowledge, and expertise required to excel in the maritime industry. From hands-on technical training to leadership development, we nurture talent to uphold our reputation for excellence

Social recruitment

positions in total

Assistant Chartering Manager

Job Responsibilities:Assist in expanding the client base and shipping routes.Assist in market analysis and information gathering.Assist in chartering activities, including booking ships and cargo.Assi...


Shipping Operations

Job Description:Responsible for the operation of the company's time-chartered or voyage-chartered vessels.Formulate voyage instructions and track vessel movements to ensure safe and efficient voya...
